This year, ePrescribing will present physicians with both opportunity and risk. ePrescribing activity during 2011 will be the basis for 2012 and 2013 ePrescribing Medicare penalties under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA). According to CMS, providers who do not begin ePrescribing and document their activity in their claims submissions using the appropriate G-codes prior to June 30, 2011 may be subject to a -1% payment adjustment on all of their Medicare Part B reimbursements for 2012. CMS is also offering electronic prescribing incentives but it is important to realize that if you don’t meet the June 30th deadline, the 1% penalty may also apply.
For more information on ePrescribing penalties, view the documents below:
Timing and payment impact information
G-code procedures for claim coding
In addition, 2011 is the first year that physicians can demonstrate Meaningful Use of a certified electronic health record (EHR) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). It is also the first year in which eligible professionals who meet Meaningful Use can begin to receive up to $44,000 from Medicare or up to $64,000 from Medicaid over five years. Providers cannot qualify for both Medicare Meaningful Use incentives and electronic prescribing MIPPA incentives.
Emdeon offers an EHR Lite solution that includes ePrescribing functionality as well as electronic lab orders and reports management. Emdeon Clinician, part of the Emdeon Office Suite, is also a certified EHR Lite that meets Stage 1 Meaningful Use criteria and can help eligible providers qualify for government incentives.* Fast, accurate and highly secure, Emdeon Clinician blends seamlessly with the way you already work and improves productivity so you can focus on what’s most important - your patients!
Emdeon Clinician costs only $99 per provider per month so call us today to learn how we can help you get your government incentives for an affordable price. Call by April 29th, mention promotion code Meaningful Use, and we’ll waive training and setup fees AND give you two months free!
To read more about the importance of ePrescribing visit the EMR and HIPAA website. Other MIPPA and Meaningful Use information can be found on the CMS website or you can visit or
*This Complete EHR is 2011/2012 compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ATCB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments. Emdeon Inc, 10/22/10, Emdeon Clinician 7.4, 1014201030691,NQF0064/PQRI128, NQF0041/PQRI110, NQF0024, NQF0028, NQF0038, NQF0059/PQRI1,NQF0064/PQRI2, NQF0061/PQRI3.
Emdeon Clinician is not currently certified for Stages 2 and 3 and we do not promise that users will qualify for any particular amount of enhanced payments.
ePrescribing Essential for Physicians in 2011
Free, Live Webinar: Meaningful Use and What it Means for Your Practice
Discover how you could qualify for $44k or more in government incentives – efficiently and affordably
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
2pm Central
Register Now
This session provides a framework for understanding what Meaningful Use means, who is eligible, what is required and how you get your money. Starting this year, eligible professionals who meet government criteria for Meaningful Use can begin receiving up to $44,000 from Medicare or up to $64,000 from Medicaid. The HITECH Act was passed to encourage the adoption of electronic health records by offering incentive payments to eligible providers who use a certified EHR technology.
You will have the opportunity to:
• Better understand what Meaningful Use is and what it means for your practice
• View a short demo of Emdeon’s efficient and affordable Meaningful Use solution
• See what a cow in a car has to do with you getting cash
About the presenter…As Senior Vice President of Clinical Services and Government Affairs for Emdeon, Miriam Paramore is responsible for overseeing the clinical sector of the business, long-term strategic planning, thought leadership, public policy and government affairs. Paramore brings over 25 years of industry experience and plays a critical role in helping Emdeon shape a course for the future based on emerging trends in health information technology. She is a national speaker and currently serves on the national Board of Directors for the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS). She is a previous chair of the HIMSS Financial Systems Steering Committee, and has previously served on the Board for CareSource Management Group, a non-profit Medicaid managed care organization. She serves on the eHealth Advisory Committee for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. As a longtime advocate for HIT in the public sector, Paramore serves as an advisor to key Congressional committees and the Congressional Budget Office on health IT, healthcare administrative simplification, and other practical solutions that can take costs out of the system and make healthcare more efficient.
The Point of References
Refer Emdeon & Earn Rewards for You and Your Colleagues
We at Emdeon believe every reference should have a point. Fifty of them, to be exact.
We’ll reward you with a $50 American Express Gift Check for every signed referral you provide to us. Simply share the names and contact information of colleagues and co-workers you know would benefit from our services.
When your referrals sign on, you’ll cash in…and they will, too. All newly signed referrals will receive $25 gift checks and a month of service at no charge.
Of course, your main point in sharing the good word about Emdeon’s services is to help colleagues tap into the most effective solutions in the marketplace. Your professional reference holds immense value—and undeniable power—because colleagues trust each other’s opinions when making decisions about products and services.
Emdeon benefits every time you make a point to mention us to colleagues. The $50 and $25 gift checks, as well as the month’s free service, are our way of saying “thank you” for the references and “welcome” to new signees.
Even in our click-of-mouse society, nothing beats a word-of-mouth referral. Our goal is to consistently earn your endorsement by providing the seamless solutions you need to simplify the business of healthcare. We hope the quality of our services speaks for itself—so much so that you’re inspired to speak up on our behalf.
Ready to make a reference with a point? Just point and click here to send us an email, and let the referrals begin! In your email, please list “Referral” as the subject line, include the practice you are referring, the contact person and their phone number as well as your contact information.
Increasing Your 'App'titude
Trends & tips for going mobile in healthcare
We’re rapidly becoming a nation powered by mobile devices. Nearly 80% of Americans have mobile phones1, and more than a quarter of those users have opted for smartphone devices over traditional cell phones.2 Predictions are that more than half of all mobile phone users will go “smart” over “cell” by November of this year. 3
Healthcare providers are adopting mobile technology even faster. Almost three-quarters of physicians already use smartphones, and that number is poised to exceed 80% by 2012.4
8 out of 10 physicians will have smart phones by 2012.
Smartphones—essentially cell phones with computer-like operating systems—enable users to be online nearly all the time. That means that the importance of the voice function is minimized as data and content features take center stage. For physicians, the unlimited access to Internet is a strong driver for their interest in mobile market. Within 3 years, U.S. physicians will likely make no distinction between accessing the Web via smartphone or personal computer, according to findings by Manhattan Research, LLC.4
What does this mean for the healthcare industry, and what do we do with this knowledge?
The short answer to those questions is “go mobile.”
For any business centered on customer service, it’s impossible to ignore the power of mobile technology. For healthcare—motivated by patient-centric service and communications, this is particularly true. Here are some practical ways that you and your organization can “Go Mobile.”
• Use mobile devices:
If you’ve not yet done so, incorporate the use of smartphones and/or tablet devices into your daily life. The best way to understand how to make the most of the computing capabilities of these ultra-portable devices is to make use of them on a regular basis. Consider unifying the kind of products used throughout your organization to ensure seamless communications and simplify updates and maintenance of operating systems and equipment. If you are conflicted about choosing between iPhone®, Android™ or BlackBerry®, bear in mind the market penetration of each option. iPhone is highly established with loyal followings. Android devices have quickly gained market share, exceeding Blackberry and iPhone usage as of January of this year.5
• Create a mobile-friendly web presence:
Because more and more people are accessing the Internet through mobile devices, it’s essential that websites be formatted for the most optimal viewing on these smaller screens. If you are updating or creating a primary website, be sure to incorporate viewing standards that are conducive to mobile viewing. Through “mobile detect,” websites can discern if they’re being accessed via mobile or standard browsers and display the proper versions accordingly. Mobile friendly sites are built with awareness of the constraints of mobile viewing, in order to better accommodate those unique needs.
• Increase your “app-titude”:
Mobile applications provide direct, quick-access to select information and functionality. It seems no matter what we want to know or what we need to do, there truly is “an app for that.” The most effective and widely used applications are very audience-focused—developed to answer the interests and needs of those who will access the app. In healthcare, apps can offer a multitude of interactions and information options, especially as the industry enters the era of the Electronic Health Record. As health information goes digital, it’s a natural evolution to incorporate mobile apps as tools to connect patients and providers alike to key data. Healthcare-related apps keep lines of communication and information open 24/7, 365 days a year and are increasingly popular. At present, of the approximately 6,000 mobile apps available for download in the iTunes® App Store, 73% are targeted to consumers, with 27% designated for healthcare professionals for example iPrescribe, iCD9 and iPharmacy.6
• “Go with” mobile technology:
An interesting and often liberating aspect of our increasingly mobile society is the ability to be closely in touch without being geographically near. From texting and “Facetime” on the iPhone to Skype™ and distance video conferencing, we no longer have to be in the same place to stay on the same page. Mobile devices bring us together even when we’re apart, and this fluidity of communications has taken hold at the root systems of our work and personal lives. For younger demographics, these communication options are fundamental to life experience, while for others, they are still perceived as new innovations. Nonetheless, our modes of sharing information are forever altered across the board thanks to mobile technology.
With awareness of the shift to mobile communications, Emdeon has responded to the challenge with practical solutions. Here are a few examples:
When accessing on a mobile smart phone, you’ll find the site automatically loads for optimized mobile viewing. The interface of the website is formatted specifically for smartphone screens, with simplified navigation and easily viewable content.
Emdeon VisionSM Mobile is a mobile application that functions as an extension of the Emdeon Vision web-based application designed to give healthcare providers quick access to the claim management side of their practices. Through this app, providers can securely, conveniently view 15 months of claim data, including the status of current claims.
We’ve integrated these mobile solutions as part of our corporate commitment to customer connectivity. The motivation to “go mobile” stems from the priority placed on meeting customers where they that in the field, online or on the go—with smartphones in hand.
Accelerate patient payments, reduce billing costs
Are you tired of the processes and paperwork associated with billing and collecting patient payments? Emdeon Office Suite now offers billing and payment solutions that can help you accelerate patient collections, improve cash flow and reduce billing costs, all with less effort and paperwork!
Convenient patient payment solution
Emdeon Patient Pay Online is a patient-facing application that offers secure, convenient online billing and payment management. Patients can view billing amounts and make payments online, anytime. With easy, click-to-pay functionality and transparent account information available 24/7, patients are empowered with real-time data and spared the hassles of paper billing.
Your patient’s convenience equates to smoother compensation for you. As patients adopt Patient Pay Online, you’ll enjoy the pay-offs: improved cash flow, more timely compensation, reduced costs related to printed billing materials and less strain on your customer service and accounts receivable staff. Additionally, you’ll have access to deep reporting and analytics tools to effectively track payment information up to the minute, at any time.
Customized patient statements
Our patient payment solution couples with our Patient Statements solution that allows you to send personalized invoices with the click of a button. The Patient Pay Online URL is clearly displayed at the top and bottom of statements so patients know exactly where to go to pay their bill. Processing your statements through Emdeon Office Suite speeds up the time it takes to get bills from you to your patients because you don’t have to print, fold, stuff and mail them yourself.
This immensely practical solution alleviates the logistics of invoice processing and mailing for providers. Customizable statements are generated and diverted to Emdeon’s high volume mail site for processing and sending, while our Address Cleansing Services scrub lists for accuracy. Patients receive prompt, easy-to-read and reliably accurate statements, and that leads to quicker, more complete provider compensation and better cash flow. Additionally, providers face fewer customer service calls and save time and money by transferring mailing operations to Emdeon.
Get Emdeon Patient Pay Online FREE for 90 Days
If you’re already an Emdeon Office client, you can easily incorporate Patient Statements and Patient Pay Online into your daily practice.
Contact us today or visit us online to discover how we can help improve your workflows and accelerate your patient payments. Call by April 29th and mention promotion code Patient Pay Online to receive Emdeon Patient Pay Online 90 days free!
Upcoming Webinar: Strategies for Avoiding the Claims Black Hole to Accelerate and Maximize Claims Payments
Attend an HFMA Webinar to Learn More
Providers need access to a clear, accurate and timely snapshot of each and every claim from start to finish. Without a tracking mechanism and process in place, providers are at risk for late or missing claims payments as a result of the claims black hole – submitted from the provider but not completely processed by the payer.
Given today’s diverse healthcare landscape, with a vast network of payers and complex claim submission requirements, tracking claims throughout the entire revenue cycle can be daunting yet critical for the success of healthcare providers.
In this session, Kelly Baker, CBO Senior Director at Novant Medical Group, will explore strategies for capturing a clear and direct view of claims to prevent unnecessary follow-up with payers and claims rework to protect cash flow. Using these same strategies, providers can reduce their risk of missing claims and streamline workflows for faster, more efficient adjudication.
After This Webinar You Will:
• Understand how to enhance your claims management workflow and allocate resources to maximize revenue
• Learn how to prevent lost or missing claims
• Understand the most common reasons why claims fall through the cracks
Register now to attend an HFMA Webinar April 13th 3:00 to 4:30 pm EST to hear more about this topic!
New Payer Transactions Added Recently
New payers added recently:
• Alliance PPO Inc.(Maryland); Claims
• Arizona Medicaid; ERA
• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama; Eligibility
• Fallon Community Health Plan; Eligibility
• Fallon Health Plan; Eligibility
• Group Health Plan- CMR; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• Health America Inc./Health Assurance/Advantra; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• Health Plan Management Services (HPMS); Claims
• Health Services for Children with Special Needs; Claim Status
• Healthcare USA; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• HealthPartners MN; ERA
• HealthTrans; Claims
• Healthy Texas; Claims
• Innovante Benefit Administrators; Claims
• Kentucky Health Administrators Inc.; Claims
• MacNeal Health Providers- CHS; ERA
• Memorial PSN/CMS; Claims
• Omnicare- A Coventry Health Plan; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• PersonalCare/Coventry Health of Illinois; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• Providence of Oregon Health Plan; Claims
• Sante Health System and Affiliates; ERA
• SCION Dental; Claims
• Southern Health Services Inc.; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
• Sterling Life Insurance; EFT
• VNS CHOICE Medicare; ERA
• Wellpath; Referrals, Eligibility, Claims, Claim Status
For a complete list of the payers in our network, visit our website at