It's Almost Payment Time... Do You Know Where Your Claims Are?

Improve claim visibility with Emdeon VisionSM for Claim Management

Determining the status of your claims once they have been submitted has always been a painful and time consuming process, but with Emdeon Vision for Claim Management providers can track any claim on the largest network in healthcare, all from one place. This powerful web-based application gives providers a simplified, end-to-end view into the claim cycle through one secure system.

Clear and concise monitoring

With Emdeon Vision for Claim Management, once the claim has been submitted you will be able to monitor its progress through centralized and easy-to-read claim summaries. This will replace the need to call multiple payers and visit multiple websites to get updated claim statuses. These summaries allow you to quickly scan all claims and focus staff attention on ones that require further work, then sort and search claims according to a variety of different elements. Having the ability to quickly rework the claim also helps reduce or eliminate painful delays in your cash flow. Since all searches are done electronically, you will no longer need to worry about patients in your office overhearing the sensitive information that is sometimes exchanged over the phone.

Reduce rejections and delays

Every provider has to deal with some level of claim rejections, but with Emdeon Vision for Claim Management you will be able to view and take corrective action on incorrect codes that can save weeks over manual processes. You can also expect to get accurate and detailed monitoring thanks to intuitive reports. The reports can quickly reveal important trends like where your claims are being delayed, and you'll get them in consistent formats to eliminate the labor-intensive task of monitoring paper claims. Spotting trends in rejections can also lead to higher first-pass acceptance rates and save you even more time and money.

Emdeon Vision for Claim Management combines all of these valuable features into one easy-to-use and centralized solution that greatly increases your ability to see what's happening with your claims almost as it happens. You will have the same great insight and monitoring capabilities as the nation's leading payer groups, which improves your ability to predict and manage cash flow while focusing more on the cornerstone of your healthcare business: your patients.

To find out more about how we can improve your claim management, contact us today at 866.558.3581 or contact us online.