Physician's Corner

Answers to questions submitted from some of our physician readers

How do I enroll with a payer for electronic funds transfers (EFT) or electronic remittance advice (ERA)?

Medicare: All Medicare payers offer an EFT solution. To get paid electronically for government-related claims, download and fill out the CMS588 form from the CMS website. Mail the form, with the original signature (no facsimile signatures can be accepted), to the Medicare contractor that services your geographical area.

For additional information, on the use of EFT for provider payments, refer to the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, (Pub. 100-04), Chapter 24, Section 40.7.

Medicaid: To sign up for EFT, go to your state Medicaid website and research to see who state Medicaid processor is. Each state website will have their enrollment instructions and process posted.

Blue Cross Blue Shield All Blues plans have enrollment instructions on their individual websites.

Commercial: Each Commercial payer that offers an EFT solution has their own enrollment process. You will need to contact the payer directly to inquire about their specific EFT process and availability.

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